Blended learning has become a successful and essential way to learn due to the advent of digital education resources such as web conferencing, eBooks, simulations, movies, games, and more. Blended learning combines features of online and in-person approaches, giving professional college students and teachers the best of both worlds. The following are seven benefits of blended learning programs.
1. Blended learning programs provide a more secure learning environment
Institutions may establish a learning environment that keeps staff and students safe by letting students complete most of their homework from home and only require in-person presence a few times each week. With fewer students on campus at any one moment, schools may adopt social distance and ensure common spaces are thoroughly cleaned and disinfected between courses.
Blended learning also prepares institutions for a COVID-19 epidemic in their region. Institutions with a mixed learning framework may temporarily deliver online courses until it is safe to return to campus.
2. Student involvement improves with blended learning
According to research, blended learning enhances engagement by giving numerous possibilities for student participation using digital engagement technologies such as CourseKey Engage. Educators may notice more significant interaction online from students who aren’t as comfortable sharing in front of their classmates in person if they provide digital possibilities for involvement.
When it comes to keeping students interested, variation in course content delivery and reinforcement is essential. Instead of merely reading text from a slide-over video software, instructors may build a more entertaining and engaging learning environment using digital learning and engagement technologies.
3. Flipping the classroom promotes understanding
When students get more involved in the classroom, their understanding automatically improves. Blended learning necessitates what is known as a “flipped classroom” method, in which students study theory online and apply it during in-person class sessions with instructors there to help. Instead of listening to a lecture with students and instructors, the in-person element of blended learning is spent practicing skills and receiving hands-on instruction from instructors.
4. Students have greater control over their education
Students in a blended learning approach may participate in the online component of class and review class materials from wherever they have an internet connection, enabling them to work where they choose. Furthermore, students may finish the online section when convenient, allowing them to manage coursework and other activities more efficiently. Adult learners, in particular, need a feeling of autonomy and control over their learning experience to succeed.
5. Use of instructor time wisely
Traditional in-person courses require teachers to spend time outside class on administrative activities such as printing handouts, uploading attendance data, hand-grading assignments, etc. Many of these duties may be automated via the use of technology in blended learning, enabling instructors to spend more time helping students absorb content and improve their abilities and generating more bandwidth to design great classes.
6. Collect learner data to get greater insights
Administrators may examine patterns and apply their results to assist students in achieving by employing digital technologies to collect data such as understanding, engagement, and attendance. Whether it’s reaching out to specific students who may need additional help, a reminder of their status, or making course-wide changes to review class content that most students missed, administrators may use the data gathered to help students.
7. Blended learning programs allow you to reach and enroll more students
Many professional college students have commitments outside of school that make commuting to campus every day challenging. Prospective students looking to enroll will search for flexible programs, allowing institutions that provide blended learning to attract a broader range of students.
8. Blended learning could aid you in achieving better outcomes
When DeHart Technical School embraced blended learning, attendance increased by 11%, and graduation rates increased by 23%. Damon Fugett, Director of DeHart, attributes this to the convenience of accessing online programs.
Even if students do not want to leave home in the morning, they may join a Zoom call and interact with professors. Going to class physically becomes more thrilling and exceptional rather than something they have to do every day.
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